Mark Foree, the executive director of the Truckee Meadows Water Authority, announced at today’s TROA (Truckee River Operating Agreement) celebration that TMWA has purchased the water rights that the Truckee-Carson Irrigation District (TCID) owned in Donner Lake. TMWA already owed the other half of the water rights to water stored in Donner Lake.
In a followup to his comments, he indicated that the purchase is expected to be completed by the beginning of February. He also indicated that the TCID has agreed to drop lawsuits it still has regarding the TROA.
The TROA celebration was attended by many of the people who have been working on implementing the Truckee River Negotiated Settlement since the 1980’s. Senator Harry Reid was instrumental in shepherding TROA for the last 2 and a half decades. The Senator had planned to attend, but his flight from Las Vegas was cancelled due to the weather. In remarks delivered by phone to the crowd of more than 75 people, he acknowledged the many people who helped make TROA possible – including many of the people at the celebration.