Tahoe rises five inches in seven days; drought shrinks again

The recent rain storms in Reno and snow and rain in the central Sierra Nevada including Lake Tahoe have raised the Lake’s water surface elevation from 6226.23 to 6226.73 – an additional increase of 5 inches in just 7 days. A significant portion of that rise likely came from rain and snow falling directly on the Continue Reading »

Rain returns to Truckee; Pyramid Lake beaches open to fishing

An all-day rain from an atmospheric river storm hit Reno and the Truckee River beginning on early Monday morning (2/20/17) and is continuing as I write this in the early evening. With snow levels not as high as in the previous rainstorm, the rain is forecast to turn to snow preventing any serious flooding on the Truckee Continue Reading »

Potential flooding returns to the Truckee

Rain returned to the eastern Sierra and western Nevada this afternoon bringing the possibility of minor to moderate flood stage again on the Truckee River.  Mid-afternoon, the Truckee was running at 7,000 CFS through downtown Reno, but the flow is currently increasing as rain continues and melts low-elevation snow. Temperatures will be falling over the next Continue Reading »

Flood Damage to infrastructure at Pyramid Lake – Pyramid Lake rises

Most of us have seen the photos of damage to the roads and infrastructure around Pyramid Lake especially between Sutcliffe and Nixon with the wash out of the highway and loss of water supply to Sutcliffe residents and businesses. Current reporting by the Reno Gazette-Journal says that the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe is not allowing non-tribal members Continue Reading »

More changes to drought map for CA and NV

La Niña hasn’t lived up to its reputation for 2016-17 any more than El Niño lived up it its reputation for 2015-16 a year ago. The much-anticipated “super” wet weather for last winter didn’t happen and the “drier” weather seen in early winter this year turned much wetter. The latest drought map from the Drought Monitor folks shows Continue Reading »