Flooding due to the approach of a warm storm system forecast to bring rain to the Sierra and western Nevada is forecast for the upcoming weekend. The map below shows potential flood areas where the red indicates worse flooding and yellow moderate flooding. Flooding is expected in downtown Reno, but the greatest potential for loss will be in the Sparks industrial area east of McCarran Boulevard to Vista and southward to Rattlesnake Mountain. The SE Connector Road construction adds an unknown dynamic to the potential flooding so residents and businesses should take every precaution. The Cities of Reno and Sparks are urging people to stay away from the areas should flooding occur.
See the Truckee Meadows Flood Management Authority’s website for the latest information.
Detailed maps for various flooding scenarios are here: http://truckeeflood.us/349/january_2017_flood_watch.html
Also, you can check on flood stage at the following: