The USA Today reports in an article “Report: Climate change is here and getting worse” that we won’t have to wait to see the effects of a rapidly changing climate (mostly a rapidly warming climate). Many of us who were born in the 40s and 50s and 60s have observed this ourselves in the 14 years of the 21st century. Young people, however, will never know the climate older westerners feel has already gone the way of the dodo. Is it just the mis-remembrances of our own youth?

Truckee River at Oxbow Park. The Hunter Creek drainage of the Carson Range in the background is nearly devoid of snow by May 12, ’14.
An article on global climate change in Science News (Cloudy Forecast, March 22, 2014) reports that “warming pushes [mid-latitude] storm tracks toward the poles”. Whether or not this movement of the storm track will result in a drier future for the Truckee River along with the entire desert southwest is yet to be determined.