Insightful research led Bruce Bledsoe’s career as a journalist and opinion page editor for the Reno Gazette-Journal. In 2001 Bruce Bledsoe won “Editorial of the Year” with his piece: “Private briefings affront to public.” Retiring from the newspaper business didn’t stop his desire to research interesting topics or write about them. Let’s just say that the Truckee River stands out as interesting being one of the most fought over rivers in the nation. Bruce has taken up the challenge to fill in the gaps in all of our knowledge of our iconic river with an entire series on the Truckee River — covering topics from atmospheric storms to zeroing in on where the diminished and diminishing “flood project” is going.
Bruce has generously provided to the Yacht Club some of his most recent insightful articles on the Truckee River, but many more are soon to be available on his website. We’ll let you know when that happens – right here. In the meantime, enjoy these 14 copyrighted articles found in our resources page. We’ve put the first 6 articles online already and will add others over the next couple of months. Check back with us to learn about not only the founding mothers of the “Yacht Club”, but how the Club influenced the flood project.
Bruce writes about Boise’s restoration of its much maligned and neglected namesake river and how that led to the town’s green belt success story. And what about those “flood walls” you see (too often)? Who thought that up? Just what were the “Vista Reefs” that the Army Corps of Engineers engineered away? And is it possible to protect communities from flooding caused by encroachment on river floodplains and wetlands when private property rights advocates say “anything goes”? Bruce answers these questions – and plenty more – to help you and me understand how we got to where we are today and visualize a way forward. Thanks, Bruce!
[Click on “Resources” and find the articles you’re interested in. If the particular article link isn’t active, check back as we are adding them a little at a time.]
All: When I say “Check back with us to learn about not only the founding mothers of the “Yacht Club”, but how the Club influenced the flood project”, I meant to say that Bruce talks about how we influenced the *early* flood project. The current flood plan is but a shadow of its former self. ‘nuf said. – Dennis