In his public interest documentary video, Reno’s Carl Adams asks the $64 thousand dollar question about water. Where is it? Perhaps more of us should be asking this very question. Watch this short YouTube video and you just might be.
I would add to Mr. Adams video another question or two. How does continuous growth in residential and commercial water consumption affect our regions most iconic places such as the Truckee River and Lake Tahoe and Pyramid Lake? Just where does “ground water” come from exactly? Isn’t “ground water” in the Truckee Meadows recharged from the Truckee River and its tributaries? And isn’t pumping “ground water” a way to “borrow” water from the next year in the hopes that it will be replenished during the winter months? When do we let people know that more and more development – subdivisions and shopping malls with sprawling lawns and lush landscape more suitable for a rain forest than a desert – results in less water available for everyone?
Just asking.