The City of Reno, Washoe County, and the Volunteers of America are providing 20 residents of the homeless shelters in the Truckee Meadows employment to help clean up the Truckee River along the Truckee River Trail through Reno and Sparks. The Reno Gazette-Journal reported today on the program which will provide training to the homeless shelter residents to help them achieve future employment and afford housing for themselves and their families.
Councilwoman Neoma Jardon was quoted in a news release on the City of Reno website saying, “[t]he public has expected something creative and different from us, so I’m glad that we have committed funding to this. It’s not only about instilling pride in the workers from a good hard-day’s work, but also cleaning up the river for the community.” Councilwoman Jardon was instrumental in coming up with the idea.
A shout-out to Councilwoman Neoma Jardon and other elected leaders who championed this pilot program which will not only help clean up our river but will also employ folks who need a job and a chance to shine. I hope the program is a resounding success and a good start can be made on making the Truckee River our front door, instead of our back door.