Wildlife live along the Truckee River all the way out to Pyramid Lake. Bears have even wandered down the river to Pyramid Lake communities several years back. Didn’t see anything quite so exotic this weekend, but it is always a delight to find wild animals along the Truckee.
This sleek and resourceful predator lives along the river and is frequently seen throughout the Truckee Meadows.
The North American Mink is found in most areas of the continent except the desert southwest to Texas. This one was foraging along the Truckee River near Rock Park.
Deer are pretty common along the river, too. This guy was lounging at University Farm along with his 2 buddies and several doe.
Winter is a special time to see waterfowl that the rest of the year you’d only see in northern Alaska or Canada. Here is a male Common Goldeneye floating on the Truckee above Idlewild Park.
Wildlife viewing along the river is always good in the winter. Get out there and enjoy the river.