Monthly Archives: July 2024

Truckee River Vision Plan – comment by July 28, 2024

Open House Thursday, July 11, 4:30 to 7:30 PM at Reno City Hall

An email arrived in my inbox yesterday afternoon to announce that in just 48 hours the City of Reno and Washoe County scheduled a meeting to discuss the Truckee River Vision. The public has just 19 days (18 now) to complete an online survey.

To understand the “vision” and take the survey, the public presumably is to review the 127 page “Truckee River Vision Plan” with graphics, text, and conclusions. The visioning PDF, which can be downloaded in pieces, divides an 18-mile stretch of the river into 4 parts: rural, west, downtown, and east.

So please take the time to review the vision and take the “Speak Up-ee for the Truckee” survey and attend the extremely short-noticed public meeting if at all possible.

Community Open House Details: 

When: Thursday, July 11, 2024 4:30-7:30pm 
 Where: Reno City Hall, 1. E. 1st Street 
4:30-5:30- Open House
 5:30-6:30 – Presentation from Dig Studio, the project’s consultant
  6:30-7:30- Q&A
The presentation and Q&A will also be available virtually

The email concludes as follows:

The purpose of the Truckee River Vision Plan is to deliver a blueprint to transform the Truckee River. From more restaurants, vendors and shops to more trails, river access and shade, we want to hear from you. The official campaign is called, ‘Speak Up-ee for the Truckee.’  In addition to this larger planning process, Dig, the project’s consultant, helped the City to identify immediate projects that could be funded through America Rescue Act Funding. These projects which were passed by City council include: new animal resistant trash cans and pet waste receptacles, paint refresh on railings, light poles, and bridges a long the river downtown, infrastructure improvements to West Street plaza with a River Ranger station and event programming for two summer seasons, design for a cantilever path behind the Automobile Museum, and design and physical improvements like lighting along Riverside Drive. 

City staff will bring a draft plan to council later this summer for review and approval. We look forward to seeing you out and about — and around the river!